Project application & Types

Workflow of HPC project application

There are two types of projects: academic and for enterprises.

Academic projects

Access to supercomputer resources can be requested in the context of an HPC project. To apply for an HPC project, please log in to the HPC portal: with your EduID.

Login to the portal is possible using EduID. Our partners who don’t have an EduID can request VHO access from our customer service (

Project applications go through a review process. An appropriate and detailed application is a prerequisite for the approval. After evaluating the technical and scientific project specifications, the application is either supported or rejected, or further modifications are requested. An important change in the application process that academic users must upload the electronic version of the signed application form.

For further details, please follow the User’s Manual on the HPC portal .

Projects of small and medium-sized enterprises

In addition to academic users, other partners, including small and medium-sized enterprises, may also request for supercomputing resources. Currently, these partners can apply for an HPC project (similarily to the academic projects) on the HPC portal

HPC operations

HPC accessibility and resposibility

The supercomputing infrastructure resides in the computer center of KIFÜ located at the University of Debrecen, and is operated by KIFÜ staff. Supercomputers operate 24/7, but the service is not redundant. Due to maintenance, the supercomputers are occasionally unavailable during pre-announced periods.

The supercomputers are operated by a team of professionals, who in addition also provide user support.

The HPC operation staff do their best to provide continuous, uninterrupted service. However, KIFÜ does not assume responsibility for any indirect or direct damages, or drawbacks due to occasional interruption of operation or availability of the system, temporary performance drop, damage or loss of files and data.

Principles of use

The supercomputing system is a high value and extremely high-performance, yet limited resource. Therefore, its capacity must be managed carefully, since the main purpose to be able to satisfy all real needs of the HPC users.