Q-Chem & BrianQC

Q-Chem is an ab initio quantum chemistry software package for fast and accurate simulations of molecular systems, including electronic and molecular structure, reactivities, properties, and spectra. Q-Chem runs under Linux and Windows operating systems from small laptops to large HPC systems.

BrianQC is an advanced quantum chemistry software that speeds up every calculation that uses Coulomb or Exchange integrals over Gaussian basis function. BrianQC is optimized for simulating large molecules and has been tested for up to 40,000 Cartesian Gaussian basis functions with full support for s, p, d, f and g-type orbitals. BrianQC works on NVIDIA Pascal, Volta, Turing, Ampere, Ada Lovelace and Hopper architectures and provides calculation results with double-precision accuracy.

Quick start guide for Q-Chem + BrianQC on HPC komondor

Prerequisites for Q-Chem & BrianQC

In order to start a job with either of Q-Chem, BrianQC or Q-Chem+BrianQC on HPC Komondor you need to have your login credentials, and have a positive balance (sbalance command).

For Q-Chem manual/documentation, please visit: https://manual.q-chem.com/latest/

For BrianQC manual please visit: https://streamnovation-brianqc-manual.s3.amazonaws.com/BrianQC_Manual_v1_3_1.pdf

For more information on Q-Chem please visit: https://www.q-chem.com/

For more information on BrianQC see: https://www.brianqc.com/

Starting Q-Chem or Q-Chem+BrianQC

Allocate somehow a resource: salloc, srun or sbatch. For example

salloc -c 10 --mem-per-cpu=1900 -p ai --gpus=1
srun --jobid=<Allocated JOBID> --pty bash -i

will allocate a job on the ai partition with a single gpu and 10 CPU cores with 19 GB of memory and start an interactive shell session. For sample sbatch script see section Example.

This ‘source’ command is needed once per session:

source /opt/software/packages/qchem/6.1.0/qcenv.sh

This commands starts Q-Chem on 32 CPU threads:

qchem -nt 32  ~/user-inputs/calculation1.in

This commands starts Q-Chem on 16 CPU threads and on the available GPUs:

qchem -nt 16 -gpu  ~/user-inputs/calculation1.in

BrianQC by default will use as many GPUs as possible during an execution. As a result if no environment variables of the above are given BrianQC will use all devices in your system allowed by the license. There are more ways to control the number of GPUs used for calculations:

  • CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable,

  • BRIANQC_GPU_COUNT environment variable

For more info see section 5.3 ‘Handling multiple GPUs’ in the BrianQC manual.


An example input:

Single point Hartree-Fock energy calculation for cis-decalin in cc-pVDZ

0 1
C  -2.360531  -0.566955  -0.556000
C  -1.547996  -1.213282  0.597000
H  -1.619087  -2.311341  0.530000
H  -2.005250  -0.906660  1.553000
C  -0.055357  -0.776046  0.597000
C  2.243811  -0.978142  -0.497000
C  1.547996  1.213282  0.597000
C  2.360531  0.566955  -0.556000
C  0.055357  0.776046  0.597000
C  0.758172  -1.415373  -0.570000
H  2.692116  -1.345771  0.441000
H  2.005250  0.906660  1.553000
H  2.005229  0.931661  -1.532000
C  -0.758172  1.415373  -0.570000
H  0.356938  -1.132705  -1.553000
H  0.397951  -1.148671  1.531000
H  2.805185  -1.429678  -1.337000
H  1.619087  2.311341  0.530000
H  3.421293  0.854833  -0.457000
H  -0.397951  1.148671  1.531000
H  0.699082  -2.514422  -0.497000
C  -2.243811  0.978142  -0.497000
H  -0.356938  1.132705  -1.553000
H  -0.699082  2.514422  -0.497000
H  -3.421293  -0.854833  -0.457000
H  -2.005229  -0.931661  -1.532000
H  -2.805185  1.429678  -1.337000
H  -2.692116  1.345771  0.441000

METHOD        HF
BASIS         CC-PVDZ  Basis Set
S2THRESH      16

Create a script file: touch run_qchem.sh Edit the file to have the following content to run a Q-Chem+BrianQC calculation:

#SBATCH --job-name=<QCHEM_TEST_XX>
#SBATCH --time=1-02:03:04
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --partition=gpu
#SBATCH --gpus=2
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1900M

source /opt/software/packages/qchem/6.1.0/qcenv.sh
qchem -nt 16 -gpu ~/user-inputs/task_to_calculate.in > ~/user-inputs/task_to_calculate.out 2>&1

This will start a batch job on the gpu partition of komondor, allocating part of a single node with: 16 cores of CPU, 2 GPUs, and 30.4 GB of memory. Source the environment variables for Q-Chem and start a Q-Chem job with 16 threads and gpu support.

Edit the file to have the following content to run a Q-Chem only calculation:

#SBATCH --job-name=<QCHEM_TEST_XX>
#SBATCH --time=2-01:01:07
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --partition=cpu
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1900M

source /opt/software/packages/qchem/6.1.0/qcenv.sh
qchem -nt 16  ~/user-inputs/task_to_calculate.in > ~/user-inputs/task_to_calculate.out 2>&1

See difference in partition that is cpu and not gpu and the missing -gpu command line option during invoking Q-Chem binary.

To run this script make it executable: chmod +x run_qchem.sh Send it to the job scheduler: sbatch run_qchem.sh

The job will be covered from the specified komondor account balance. The result will be written to the ~/user-inputs/task_to_calculate.out text file.