

We request that you acknowledge KIFÜ in papers or other publications of scientific research which benefited from the use of the HPC resource hosted by KIFÜ. References allow us to measure the research impact and demonstrate that HPC systems are key to the advancement of research. These arguments will help us to secure funding for their ongoing maintenance and future expansion.

Our suggested acknowledgement is as follows:

“We acknowledge KIFÜ (Governmental Agency for IT Development, Hungary, for awarding us access to the Komondor HPC facility based in Hungary.”

If you have also received thorough technical support, the additional text below can be used:

“We thank [the HPC staff / name of person / names of people] at KIFÜ for [his / her / their] technical support.”


We would also appreciate if you inform us of publications in which you acknowledge use of the HPC resource at KIFÜ. Please always cite these publications in your HPC project reports.